
About us

Go direct to an expert barrister!

Clerksroom Direct is the only place where members of the public can search for and instruct a barrister online, supported by our dedicated helpline. Our unique, easy-to-use portal offers over 1,000 barristers from more than 211 barrister chambers, regulated by the Bar Standards Board.

Our aim is to provide you with as much information as possible to help you make an informed choice. Obtaining a quote from a barrister is completely free. You only pay for the service if you decide to instruct the barrister directly. 

You are in control every step of the way and you don't pay anything until you wish to proceed. You decide!

  • “I can only thank you for your services and a debt of gratitude for the guidance and determined focus of Arlene Small.”


    Neil J Guerin, Direct Access Client

  • “I did not really know what level of service to expect but what I got was very good. I found you to be realistic and fair in your approach.”

    Direct Access Client

  • “Professional decorum combined with friendly clarity throughout. I highly recommend this service and I will be using this facility in the future.”

    Hazel Speed

Where do I start?
If you need more information, feel free to contact us by phone or email. Or, you can create an online enquiry now and we'll help you find the right barrister for your case.
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