How to Complain

How to complain about Clerksroom Direct

If you wish to make a complaint about a member of staff at Clerksroom Direct this is the procedure which we require you to follow in order for your complaint to be dealt with properly and efficiently.

PLEASE NOTE: If your complaint relates to the service provided by a barrister, as opposed to the staff at Clerksroom Direct, you will need to address your complaint to the barrister's chambers who will have a formal procedure of their own.

The procedure is as follows.

  1. You will send an email marked 'Formal Complaint' to The email will set out the details of your complaint and your desired outcome. Please note that your complaint must be precisely and succinctly summarised (limited to 500 words).

  2. Please do not send or provide copies of any documents which you refer to in the complaint unless requested to so by the investigator. 

  3. Clerksroom Direct reserves the right not to deal with any complaint made other than in accordance with these procedures and requirements.

  4. Upon successful submission of your formal complaint, we will immediately acknowledge your complaint by email providing you with a reference number. Please note if you do not receive an acknowledgment your complaint may not have been received.
  5. Your complaint will be forwarded to the relevant person at Clerksroom Direct who will be invited to provide the investigator with a response to your complaint.
  6. Upon receipt of the response we will investigate your complaint taking into account the matters set out in the formal complaint and the response. 
  7. Your complaint will be dealt with by the nominated Clerksroom Direct investigator ("the investigator").
  8. Where appropriate, the investigator may, in his or her sole discretion, seek further information or clarification of the complaint either from you or the relevant person at Clerksroom Direct. 
  9. The task of the investigator is to assess whether Clerksroom Direct has provided a proper service or acted properly. If, in the opinion of the investigator, the relevant person at Clerksroom Direct has provided a properly arguable answer to your complaint, your complaint is unlikely to succeed. If, in the opinion of the investigator, the relevant person at Clerksroom Direct does not provide a properly arguable answer, your complaint is likely to be upheld. If upheld, the task of the investigator will then be to go and consider what, if any, action should be taken.
  10. The investigator's decision which will be a full and final decision, will communicated to you by email.
  11. We will endeavour to send a copy of the investigator's decision to you within 28 days of the date of receipt of your complaint. Where more time is required, the investigator will email you the revised timescale, informing you why more time is required.
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